Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stupid idiot



ARGHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so pissed off. :(

I was so tired at work today, that I literally kep dozing off. And I so wished for the day to end earlier. I was even tempted to secretly twitch the main clock in the office so that it could be at least 1 hour later, so I could be home earlier.

Simply printing and filing tons and tons of paper everyday seriously isn't some interesting job. My routine at my job is so mundane. When I reach the office, I'd go to the pantry with my cup and make myself a cup of green tea. Then I would come back, switch on the computer, and start on my work. From 830AM - 1030AM, I'd be busy with the computer, checking emails, approving requests, so on and so forth.

After which, I'd be doing a lot, A LOT, A LOT of paperwork till 530PM. Damn... I'm very very tired. And today, I wanted to kick my skinny's A/O's boney ass! UHHH!

I was told to do some printscreens and send the system discrepencies spotted to the other department. So alright, I did just that. The printscreens on the system discrepencies, and emailed the respective recipient, CC-ing him on the way.

And about 20 minutes after the email was sent, he came strolling over to my cubicle and said this, "Next time can don't be so lazy not? Put the printscreens inside a Words document, and circle the specific errors, so that your colleagues can understand. Make things easier for yourself and others. Don't be so lazy lah..."

What the hell? I was so... SO TEMPTED to just tell him off. Like hello?! Who's the lazy one, may I ask?! This system discrepency has been there before I even came! AND I told him before that whatever he asks me to do, state it in an email, and I'll do WHATEVER that is written. Because of one stupid previous mistake, where he told me what to do verbally, I had enough. Now I only believe in BLACK&WHITE.

So I was told only to send printshots. I did! And now what? I'M LAZY?!

I had no mood to do whatever else I was doing already. Lazy is such a sensitive word. Yes, I know you're my superior and I'm just a lowly temporary subordinate. But hey, that's the wrong word you've used on me man. I did what I was told. You didn't elaborate yourself clearly... My colleagues and I have also been practising sending screenshots without the use of Words what.

I was so... Wronged. :(

When I came back, I was hungry, but I didn't even feel like eating anything. I came home, took a bath and went to sleep almost immediately. But I only caught an hour of sleep, then I woke up from Hamdi's call. Only to hear someone else's voice at the background calling him oh-so-sweetly.

"... chao cheebye. Hamdi for you to call one ar? Nabeh."

And he's very irritated with me... I don't why, but it really seems like it. :(


I really want to have ice-cream right now. I'm so pissed I'm going, my veins are going to burst anytime.



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