Saturday, October 10, 2009
Hatin' on the Club ~

Watched Haeundae: The Deadly Tsunami with Hamdi on Thursday night. I think its a pretty good movie, when they tried to play with people's emotions. Of course, duh, like all disaster movies, they have problems with family, relationships, and everything seem to magically be put in place after the Tsunami. The casts of these movies hardly ever die, except for the lifeguard in this movie. Oh wells, lifeguard what.

So this is what I've been doing at work. No lah... I've been given job to do ok. And I make sure I give my best in whatever I do to this company! <-- Read that Mira.
I'm so hungry now I think I could eat a man. Yea... A man. Hahaha! I spent my week waiting for calls in the office and keying in information into the computer and planning schedules. Heck of an easy job, you can say. So not easy to pass the time though. Yea you can use MSN and Facebook, but you got to use it discreetly. And I've been caught by my boss, and I've got feedback from my colleague. Nabeh. My fault ar?! By right, it kind of is. Common sense says that you don't cut yourself some slack in your boss's presense. For my case, I don't really care who's presense it was, I just laughed at Mira over MSN. Her fault lah.
Feel like ordering McDelivery. I could so eat a McSpicy now with the fries and drinks, together with the McDelivery man too. :D
But its so fucking expensive when one McSpicy actually can cost me up to $10?! And they be offering me soggy fries too... Eee... I want my hard hard salty fries.
Side track: My boss was willing to have McDonald's with me. And I was so waiting for my burger, until I checked the menu. My McSpicy can only be ordered by 11AM earliest. :( Bloody shit.
And just now, I was chatting with Mira. We were talking about exercising. Honestly speaking... I really HATE HATE HATE ABHOR ABHOR ABHOR LOATHE LOATHE LOATHE DETEST DETEST DETEST perspiration. But I guess I have no choice. :( I need a personal trainer for sure to keep me motivated. Hahahaha! And I alreayd have one on my mind, RIGHT MIRA? Maybe I'll hire Mr Singh to be my instructor. For sure, I'd call Mira everyday, crying to her saying how Mr Singh shouted and scream at me.
I can so imagine him asking me to run to the trees within a few seconds and if I can't, he'll make me do sit-ups. Nightmare. I will be down to my skins and bones if he be my personal instructor. I can feel it. Hahaha! Mira... *kening naik naik*
I am fucking pissed off with my colleagues now. Its ok. Today shall be a good nice jogging day for me. Fuck care my colleagues. Bloody hell...
Anyways, Mira, Mr Singh and I had webcam last night all the way till 2AM in the morning today. Oh my goodness... It was fun like hell. Hahaha! And yes... I will stop smiling so much. Nothing to be happy about anyways. And Mira, I don't think he's reporting lor. More like needing my advice. AIYA.
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