Thursday, February 11, 2010
This is my first time blogging at my current workplace. Exciting. :D
So right now, I'm left with no reports to generate nor churn, and I have no one SMS-ing me or chatting with me online. A quiet day I suppose. Even my colleague beside me's surfing the net openly. Heard that our manager will be heading to some polyclinics at noon, so YAY! No hoovering eyes!
Am waiting for Hamdi's text reply on whether he wants to meet up for lunch. But I guess he's still upset with me about yesterday. He didn't even give me a call last night, which was so unlikely of him. So I was pretty worried. Texted him this morning and called him too. No answers, no nothing.
Yet he found time to reply a comment on FB. :(
Eh, eh. There's nothing else I can say.
Yesterday night I was talking about the New York trip for my birthday, I guess its prolly cancelled. Daddy says its a bit too expensive. However, he reassured us that we would be going there this year. When I don't know, but keyword is this year. Hoping that daddy could make a fast decision soon. Time is eating up on me and I'm still stuck between a chalet and club. Pfft.

Hamdi just called me! Appears he didn't get caught in an accident after all! :D
He'll be calling me after his UTs to reconfirm with me the location for lunch. Man... I'm hungry already after a heavy breakfast barely 5 hours ago. :(
Its a sign of menses. Or so I hope... :S
No bleeding nose today, thank god. I bought a ring yesterday for $6.90. Yeah, its those kind of cheap tarnished metal for the antique look kind of ring with an extremely weird pattern. Oh wells, I'm happy I got it for $6.90 from Square 2. I was browsing along the same shopping mall, and there was another shop that was selling the exact same ring, material I don't know but they do look similar to me, for $16.90.

An extra $10 for the same ring?! I feel so smart and satisfied when I bought the $6.90 one. Call it fate, but I really almost got the $16.90. If I really did, I swear I would've murdered the salesperson in the other shop for selling the rin at $6.90.

I've never hated nor disliked Lady Gaga. In fact, I'm pretty neutral towards her. I LOVE her style totally, covering up her honestly, not very pretty face. And her songs, catchy. Super freaking catchy, from Let's Dance down to Speechless. She's doing great. So after she got a little over-rated, I wasn't at all suprised. Unlike Taylor Swift, I think she's over-rated to an annoying extend. Somebody should just shut that bitch up.
And in my personal opinion, over-rated celebrities are usually there to disappoint people when it comes to live performance. Except for people like Beyonce and (ARGH), Rihanna. I think such celebrities surely live up to the title Diva, and they shouldn't be under the over-rated category. Maybe they aren't. I don't know lah. I'm confusing myself.

Anyways, back to Gaga. Though most of her songs are electropop, with the T-pain kind of voice, I really didn't expect her to be that good at her live performances. A true entertainer I must say.
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