Tuesday, December 1, 2009
10 Things I Hate About You

I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
not even close;
not even a little bit;
not even at all.
I love this 1999 movie. I wasn't expecting it to be this cute. And least did I expect myself to fall deeply in love with a dead man, Heath Ledger. Seriously, he looked so delicious when he was younger that I could dip him chocolate, plant cherries on him, and just eat him in a single bite. OOHMF!

Talking about pretty boy, I so dig the way he got totally pissed Cameron doubted his ability in being a pretty boy in 10 Things I Hate About You. Hahahaha! His complexion is completely flawless and I love his jawline. Freaking wow. And the body. WOW WOW. Though its extremely obit, I think he made tight shirt and tight jeans look so hot. Like I said, I could totally lick him, eat him, spit him out and eat him again. Ok that last part was gross.

So what I really love about this movie is all the kisses that Heath Ledger gave to Julia Stiles. Seriously, his sudden kisses are uncountable. But I so-so felt for her when Heath initially rejected her kiss. Oh my god. I feel so embaressed for her, as if I was in that situation before. Maybe I had been in that situation before. When I was young and stupid gosh... Hell, I'm still young and stupid. :)
And the part where they kissed extremely passionately on a pile of haystack in the public at this Paintball carnival or something, with their dirty white 'paintball protective costume'. AWWWW! When you're all green, blue, yellow, red, pink, orange and disgusting... All you need is a kiss!
Man. I so can't wait to go home now, kick off my shoes, remove my contact lenses, take a bath, put on my big big shirt and panties, put on my hairband, put on my specs, remove the paint on my toe nails, dig my nose and sit in front of the TV. Wah, song ar.
So many things happened during the past week. I got extremely drunk and wasted and embaressed last Thursday night. And last Thursday, I failed the interview too. But I'm going to try it again next Saturday, nevertheless. I will not give up until they me in my face how short I am that I'm so unable to make it.
So Thursday night, I met Jas and Yan for coffee, and thanks to Jas who suggested drinking. I got horribly drunk. Yes, I puked and everything. My goodness... I even threw away my _____! HAHAHAHA! Thank god my menses didnt leak more than it was supposed to. My god...! When I got home, I was completely aghast with my actions. Like oh my god...
Thank goodness my friends still contact me. I thought they'd dump me after what happened. For a couple of days after which, I couldn't really sleep. I hate the after effect of getting drunk. You'd keep thinking over and over about what you've done. And oh my god. It gets so embaressing that you wish you could just dig a hole and hide in there for the rest of your life, and make your existence disappear from the face of this Earth.
And then on Friday night, JT and I decided to celebrate Trevor's birthday earlier, since our darling will be in camp on his birthday, which is tomorrow, 2nd December.

I've been growing horizontal too. Arhhh...
Yesterday was a fruitful day out with Hamdi. Though I brought home nothing for myself. But I don't know why, I'd always feel satisfied whenever I get something Hamdi likes. It isn't the same for other guys though. I bought him this blue checkered Pull 'N' Bear jacket that he's been thinking of for days. Hahaha! Glad that he likes it. And on the way, while shopping for his stuffs, I found myself thinking about this red knitted cardigen from Pull 'N' Bear. And I've been thinking about it non-stop... Together with this dress-top I saw at my auntie's shop... And this navy blue blazer like jacket I saw at Beauty World... Damn. My pay for this month is going to be so busted.
And I've got to get X'mas presents for my friends too... Goodness. And my cards are all half-written. Oh wells. Pam Pam, there're plenty of things waiting for you to do. Please don't sit in front of the TV and dig your nose all day. :)
Oh! I got myself a new job at NHG too, as an executive. YAY! I don't know when I'll be leaving my current company though, but surely after I get my pay. :D
Got to discuss this with mummy first I guess.
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