Monday, November 16, 2009
I need desperately need some sleep
If my boss comes up to me right now, and says that I'm fired, for no apparent reason. I think I'd just stand up, and walk out of the office with my stuffs. Without even asking why. No, I didn't do anything wrong (at least illegally) to jeopardize the company. I'm just fucking stoned and tired right now. I didn't fucking sleep last night cos' I freaked myself out believing that there'll be a black shadow looming over me, and breathing heavily down my neck.

Initially, everything started with a simple door movement. Then loud knocks and bangs that eventually becomes extremely violent. There were a couple of scenes where I laughed though, when I know it isn't funny. But I just can't help but look at the couple's reactions. Hahaha!
I heard that there're 3 different endings to Paranormal Activity. And it has caused Mira to be very pissed, in fact. The scares of the movie didn't take its effect until I was about to sleep. I didn't want to switch off the lights... I didn't want to leave my bed unnecessarily... I made sure I did all my pee-pee before sleeping... All the measures to ensure that I'm safe on my bed with my bantal busok. Still, I managed to have only 3 and a half hours of sleep. So much for wanting to sleep early for the sake of my complexion. :(
So talking about my complexion, Saturday I had to undergo IPL for my skin. Not a sensational feeling. They were saying that the pain actually feels like a rubber band snapping sensation. LIES. ALL A BUNCH OF LIES. First, how the fuck could it be a sensation?!
Sex is a sensation. That?! IS NOT.
And second, no rubber band snapping. I feel electrocuted. NOT FUNNY. :( And after which, I have to go through another process whereby the doctor used this special equipment to burn holes on my face. Literally burn holes on my face. I am not kidding. That was painful like shit. Seriously, the sheets on the bed were almost completely torn out by me. Hahahahaha. I was pulling onto the bed sheets and gritting my teeth so much I think all my teeth has been grinded to powder.
All for beauty lor.

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