Tuesday, November 3, 2009
That's not working anymore
Today's supposed to be an extremely happy day for me. I'll explain that later. But no it is not. Since morning I've been facing fucked up problems, and meeting fucked up people from all directions too.

First off, Mohammed Hamdi, talk to me only when you don't fucking feel rude ok. I think your attitude seriously sucks, and that I do not deserve any of the bullshit you are putting me through. Your rudeness is pissing me off, and so is your girlfriend, Rab Mia Edge the Loser Minah. So please, fuck off with your little girlies like Sonia, Rab, Baky Sherbets whatever ever?
So here's to you and your fugly bitches.
Baby Manje does not want to play with Boy Lintah anymore. Boy Lintah can go play with himself ok? Or if you prefer it, you can all play together on your bed. Enjoy.
Second thing that pissed me off so badly this morning is my colleague. She totally stepped on my tail, and for the first time today, I raised my voice at her. Not funny ok. I so do not want to elaborate because I simply want to just forget about it. Yet on the hand, I'm bored stiff here. So I'll blog.
I came to work late today because there was a jam on TPE. Ok, I was partly at fault too, cos I took 45 minutes today to figure out what to wear. So I reached work at 845AM, as if that's not bad enough.
And since I had a new colleague yesterday (my colleague's brother), he took over my desk and laptop as well, since he was here early, and since he's my colleague's brother too. Its ok. Just a laptop. No privacy for yesterday morning.
So I took my own laptop today. Initiative you know. I was right. He already was using my laptop that the company gave me. His dirty fingers were all over my innocent beautiful white laptop. My laptop was violently raped.
But anyways, after which, there was a screw up in the computer's system. All of which happened between 845AM - 9AM. So much cock ups. And that stupid colleague of mine, wanted to cover her brother's backside, so everything push to me lah! Knnnbccb lah!
Her brother's like fucking 27 years old ok. Go get a proper paying job alright? Stop fighting with fresh graduates like Mira and I. Then again, I'm not staying here for long anyways (that's the good news).
And in the end, I sat there not doing anything for a couple of hours, while her brother who's new to everything, screws up all the reports. Even Mamun don't like him too. Pfft.

Ok. Now for the short short good news ok. I heard from my auntie that my favourite company is hiring again. And I've already sent in my resume, and I hope I get shortlisted for the interview sometime near 2010. I can't wait. (:
But I do need lots of time to let me skin heal too. If only I could Photoshop my face in reality. I'd photoshop for a much better complexion and smaller frame, and longer legs. Sigh.

If only my complexion was this good in reality.
So the eve of Halloween was spent at Jas's place with Mira, Sofian, Avinder and Mimi. Blair Witch Project is so fucking stupid I so fucking feel like killing myself. I guess you got to have the scare effect when you're in the cinema.
I didn't noticed how black Mimi got, after Mira mentioned it.
Completely Kon-vict.
The rest of the night was spent sleeping on couches all. Except for Jas and I. We just spent the night talking cos the both of us couldn't sleep. End up going back with Mimi after Mira got on the cab at 5AM ++ in the morning. A couple of minutes before midnight charge ends. STUPID.
But ultimately, I got Mimi's Topman sweater. And I thought Mira was the gold-digger. I'm probably one in the making. :D

I'm so running after my dreams and I can't wait... (:
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