Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Its only a Wednesday.

Congratulations Hamdi! Upon passing your BTT on the first try. Now you can go get your little $25 PDL and drive your
I hate Wednesdays. It always feels so mundane to me. Like I've still got 2 more days to suffer through before my long anticipated Saturday. And it didn't help me love Wednesday more when its the longest-spelt day in the week, and I was never able to spell it properly when I was in kindergarden. I could so totally spell Sunday though.
I'm having the Wednesday Blues.
To add more fuel to the already blazing fire, my colleague just told me to prepare my blankets and bantal busuk to the office tonight, because I'd be camping overnight. In other words, I'd be going home really late today, due to some cock-ups. Arghhh! I wish it were the different type of cock-up, I prefer that.
*kening naik naik dengan Mira*
Somehow, I do still have a good feeling about today, as much as I loathe today. Am I always not living in a world of contradictions ~ ?

So totally can't wait for this movie to be screened in Singapore on the 12 November. I even went to the extend on taking part in this GV contest cum lucky draw to get a pair of tickets for Paranormal Activity's private screening on the 6 November. Everyone knows I'm a sucker for movies. I used to want to 'fight' with everyone when it comes to catching a blockbuster in cinema. I love it when people start telling me that they're going to watch this movie this weekend and I be like, "I WATCHED ALREADY!" It feels like I just won a first prize in a marathon or something! Its like, YEA I'M PROUD I'M THE FIRST FEW TO CATCH THAT MOVIE!
Oh wells. That is if I could win that pair of tickets. If not, I'd just well have to wait till 12 November. :(

I was reading up the reviews for Paranormal Activity and everyone was comparing it to The Blair Witch Project (trailer above). I actually heard of the name before, but to me it sounded pretty lame to me. After all, witches. How scary can it get? But the trailer was apparently rather enticing. :D
Its a 1999 movie, and I was just 10 then? I asked a couple of my colleagues and friends who have already watched it and they say its pretty good. Will be catching it at the Singh's place on Friday with Sharime and Avinder (if everything is fine). Mira can't make it cos she be working on Saturday. No, I'm not gloating over her misery. I'm just lucky enough to escape work on Saturday. :D
Apparently, we're like 'counting down' to Halloween. LOL. Tell me I'm the only one who thinks this way.
Can't wait for Daddy to return tomorrow night. And then we be having a family dinner at Malaysia on Saturday night. Daddy I miss you!
Though I wish you could get me the right flavour for my Bally's this time. No more caramel please!
I have this sudden craving for pasta its driving me nuts. Its as if I could smell the smell of the fried garlic and olive oil right now as I'm talking about it. Arhhh... But no. I can't have any more carbo intake. I'll just have fish ball soup for my lunch later. It sucks to maintain your weight with your food intake. But it sucks even more to exercise. I just hate to perspire lah, knn.
Was chatting with Mira on MSN just now, and she spotted a new foreign worker working for our company. Words can't describe what she's thinking right now, but I guess this should be enough:

Wah... Very happy know, Mira. And I was so complaining to her about this annoying colleague of mine too. Lol. I think the both of us could so totally rule the company with our own hands. First of, we'll fire all the useless-English-iliterates, we'll also sack those who keeps showing off their baby blue checkered panties (because we are female bosses, not male bosses), and we'll keep the super good looking foreign workers. HAHAHA! What bosses we make. :)
Am waiting for Mira to upload pictures of our Starbucks rendevouz last night. We were so totally make-upless. That woman even made the effort to take pictures of what's inside our bags to prove that we didn't bring any make up whatsoever. And know what? I caught a sneak peek of one of the pictures, and I think I look like an ape. HAHAHA! Only in that picture!
I'm so supposed to be doing my schedule now but what the fuck am I blogging here for. :D
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