Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm currently in love with this 1997 song by Janet Jackson. It kind of feels like one of those feel-good songs. Doesn't make you want to dance, or scream and shout, but just sing to it and drive your car down the highway.
I'm having the Monday Blues today. Come to think of it, not really. I don't even feel like I had any holidays to enjoy over the weekend anyways. Honestly speaking, I'm kind of tired. And this weekend, I think I just want to chill with my friends somewhere near my place, where I don't have to go through the hassle of dressing up. And then I'd just go home and sleep till the sunlight shines on my ass (loosely translated from mandarin).
So met up with Sharime on Saturday night after work. I was so totally and completely shagged. He too was shagged. Wanted to cancel initially, but I had this super strong craving for mee goreng, so nah... Cravings are more important than sleep. :D
So much for complaining about my weight gain.
But really, I got to start watching my weight (again). The pills and my food intake, not working, baby.
Caught a couple of blockbusters with Hamdi recently. Sharime too wants to catch movies with me (nak step popular kepe), but either we don't have the time or it'd be too rushing for us.

I think this movie's really good. Bruce Willis is still doing his thing at his age. But what I find annoying is how he actually tried to "act young" in the movie, with hair and really good skin which is obviously caked full of foundation. But everyone with a surrogate has a perfect body. So oh wells. Never mind, don't understand me right? Go watch the show. Highly recommended.
MY FIRST INDON MOVIE YEA!!! I always find it pretty exciting to blog about the first time I watched a foreign film with a new language. New language what the fuck? In other words, this is the first time I watched an Indon movie. Easy.
So I've already caught Japanese, Korean, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, and now Indon films!
Anyways, I'm suprised with amount of gore that the Indons came up with. I watched a couple of
OH! ONE MORE THING! I found my Indon prince. Everyone knows I have my lovers planted everywhere throughout the world. Hong Kong, Brazil, USA, Korea, UK, ... Now I have one from Indonesia. The one who acted as Adam in Darah, Arifin Putra. Fucking cute ok? I so don't mind dying in his hands. :)

*kening naik naik non-stop dengan Mira*
Last night, I caught Halloween II with Hamdi too.

Ok lah... Gory to a certain extend. Like what Hamdi said, they totally focus and elaborate so much on the blood. It can get pretty boring after a while though. Not exactly confusing if you watch it with a straight mine, and if you watched Halloween I. I think the gore factor isn't as up to standard as Halloween I, but the disturbia factor, yea it was way better than I. In layman terms, I was gory, II was disturbing. Dah.
One particular death that really reign above the all-time-best-look-after-getting-killed-in-a-gore-movie's got to be this one guy who got killed by the character, Michael Myers. Michael Myers stepped on his face, literally. LITERALLY. And when the psychopath hung that poor man's body, the camera focused on the man's
Now, I so can't wait for... So many movies. Namely,
1. Princess & the Frog
2. 2012
3. New York, I Love You (highly anticipating this one)
4. Poker King
5. Michael Jackson's This Is It
6. Nightmare on Elm Street
7. Coraline
Wah... I really don't have the time. And I was just telling the whole world how I'm going to get my Sims 3 CD, and sitting in front of the computer all day.
So last Friday, I actually went to pay my friend, Mr Singh a little visit together with Mimi. Now, we can all call him the handicapped Singh. Hahaha! He kind of injured his knee, and now, its massive. Didn't really talk to him though when we were at his place. Mimi and him were talking about their stupid NS stuffs though. So I went to chat with his sister instead. Really nice girl to talk to though unlike the brother. >:D
Arh... 30 minutes to go before I knock off from work. 3 more units for closing. Arhhh~ I hope they report soon. I can so smell my mom's peanut soup from Sembawang. :D
Oh oh. Yesterday was hilarious. I went to catch Halloween II with Hamdi last night isn't it? So yea, he fetched me home too. So I thought my mom was already asleep, so it'd be safe to fetch me all the way till the carpark underneath my block. Little did I know, my mom bringing in the laundry. And her baby girl is quite easy to be spotted in the dark on a bike thanks to her Liverpool jersey. Smart move Pam, really smart.
So when I got home, I get one hell of a earful from mummy. Afterwhich, I SMSed Hamdi this. "Kene fucked. Knn." Then I went off for my bath. When I came back, I saw Hamdi's SMS, so I thought he was naturally just replying my message.
At night when I finally settled down and was chatting on the phone with Mira. I was checking out my phone's inbox and sent messages. I actually sent, "Kene fucked. Knn." to mummy. Then I realized I was really fucked. Thank god mummy didn't mention anything this morning. Yay. I love you mummy. :P
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