Tuesday, November 17, 2009
He's just not that into you

I just watched this movie online at work. Yup. I'm pretty much paid to watch movies. I choose to believe that's the cause. :)
I have mixed feelings about this movie. Nonetheless, I still enjoy having that fuzzy wuzzy feeling of having to dream of whatever I want happening to me, happen in a movie.
The sex that Bradley Cooper and Scarlett Johansson almost had was booby grabbingly, ass grabbingly, fuckingly hot. I so wish that it could happen to me. And I could so just put that scene onto repeat. Cos Bradley and Scarlett are FUCKING HOT. P.S.: Dear Ryan Reynolds, I approve your marriage with Scarlett. She's truly irresistable.
The scene where Justin Long gave his partner (I don't know the actress's name, but her screen-name's Gigi). A sudden shut up kiss at her doorstep. Aww... I wish that happened to me too. I was so squealing at my desk in my office with my earphones on when that happened.
And the way Ben Affleck proposed to Jennifer Anniston. I cried like a wimp. But I tried to use my cardigen to cover and all. Talking about cardigen, I need a new one. The one Ham gave me already has a small hole on its left sleeve.
There're many good quotes mentioned in the show, but I think this one really hit me straight in the head the most.
"If a guy doesn't call, he doesn't give a shit about you!"
- Justin Long
How true and realistic is that. Yet, I, being as stubborn as mule, choose not to believe. But instead, I try to cover it up with assumptions good and bad. But just not willing enough to face that fact that, the guy's just not interested in me at all! And it took me so many falls, so many friends and a movie for me to realize that fact.
Mimi hasn't contacted me for a couple of days. Just this afternoon, I was still telling Mira how much I wished he'd call me now, and so that I could just talk to him about our problems. Now that I think of it, what problems are there to talk about? I'll only listen to the good points, and the bad points? I'd just cry and tell Mira or Jt about it. And the next day, try to cover up his reasons, when in fact, all the guy wanted to do was to just be honest.
But I, just don't want to accept his honesty. Everyone knows that the truth hurts the most.
And then there's Hamdi. I always wait around for his calls and messages too. He reminds me much of the second guy Gigi tried to date. His style of talking, he just twists his words around.
"Are you going to call me?"
"We'll keep in contact. :)"
Hamdi and I have long ago been apart. I, had my own fair share of seeing guys. And he, although he denies it, I still believes that he's been seeing other girls too. I am so jealous. So so jealous. And Hamdi doesn't call either. Oh wells, if he doesn't call, he doesn't give a shit. Maybe, I should really lock that quote up in my head.
But still, it doesn't stop me from feeling all jittery when my phone rings. I wonder what ringtone will be rang. Down by Jay Sean? That's Mimi's ringtone. Or Insomnia by Craig David? That's Hamdi's ringtone. But most of the time, its either Run This Town by Jay-Z or 3 by Britney Spears. That's my family and Mira respectively.
Maybe I should just change all ringtones to be the same, so that I wouldn't be that anticipating and jittery when my phone really does ring.
And oh. Today I read Mimi's ex's blog. Seems like she's suffering from a headache too. And I really wonder who's the Panda that she's mentioned in her blog. Mimi hasn't called me on Sunday or yesterday night. He usually says that he'd call me. But not anymore... Yes. Its the little things that I take careful note of always.
But if he does call me tonight... I might probably just ask him what's up with him and his ex. Maybe pretending that I know kukunuts about the whole damn blog thing, making it sound like a random question. But I know Mimi isn't that stupid. He wouldn't ask how come I knew about it, he would just keep quiet and knowing the answer.
Again, all the above is based on the assumption that he calls. What if he never calls? He obviously doesn't give a shit about explaining anything to me at all. To start it all off, we aren't even attached. All we had was fun. Nothing more. I guess we're nothing more than friends.
Whereas for Hamdi and I. I'll just continue being jealous for nothing till I get better.
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