Tuesday, January 4, 2011
"Don't you remember you told me you love me, baby?"
Superstar - ABBA
442PM in Skyroom on a boring Tuesday afternoon, and I've got absolutely nothing on my plate. To do, to eat, nothing. I should've brought my guitar down to strum a few chords, and practice my fingering. I think I'm getting there for Iryan's birthday, and I hope I could at least play a nice chorus without any gliches for him.
Man... There isn't even a single sales done for the day. Its like $0 on my cashier, and already I feel jittery at the thought of 5 more hours to closing. Hopefully people start rushing in like rats after 5PM. That's when all the office bastards knock off from work and relax.
As if they work in their offices. I suppose everyone's in the holiday moods right now. Its so easy to relate to people's statuses on Facebook, Monday blues' jokes and even desktop sex when you work in the office.

As for me, retail is such a pain in the ass that I really actually just hate Saturdays already. Because the whole world seems to be shopping except me. How fair is that. And on Mondays, the whole world's working except me. Yes, I may feel like I have the whole god damn road to myself, but hey. I do wanna feel human sometimes too you know.
These days, I definitely feel very ugly. So much so that I'd even compare this face,

to this face.
I've completely lost my sense of self esteem. And everytime I see someone pretty, I'd wish I were like them. But thank god I remind myself constantly that I still do have someone there by me who looks deep within my 'beauty'. :)

But aiya, who don't want to be chio?! You tell me lah. Knn.
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