Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I think I'm hooked onto my boyfriend, and maybe hooked onto his style and love for photography and music. Not that I wasn't hooked onto music, but to put it bluntly, I've been learning how to play the guitar these days, and I'm pretty much hooked onto GettyImages.I think they have really wonderful pictures. At least better than Google Images search engine surely. However, I won't pick up photography, at least for now. I know myself too well. When I'm hooked onto something suddenly, I'd put my heart and soul into it for a while, and then spend loads on it, only to throw it aside.
I don't have that much money to spend on an awesome DSLR you know. I'd rather spend on clothes only to throw them aside after wearing it twice.

I think the both of us are spending a little too much time on the computer these days, that it seems that our relationship is so cyber-ifed. But well, its not like we could both help it anyways. He's sick, and I'm busy. Our schedules are in other words, extremely packed we hardly even have time with each other.
And when we do spend time with each other, we'd be so tired. Only to go home, missing each other more after that.
I recently just created a LookBook account, and I've been stalking my own profile for the longest time to see if anyone Hyped me etc. Its half as addicting as Facebook, but still not too bad. Occupies my time, for now. I'm bored and I'm hungry, but I'm far too lazy to get food to eat.
Subway's just a couple of steps away from my shop, but it seems like Dhoby Ghaut to me. Even taking a drink from the storeroom feels like drinking from the Nigeria Waterfalls.
I am fucked, lazy. Hahahaha!
I seriously think that people with style should just join this website.

But on the other hand, I kind of not like the idea of this as well (not because people haven't liked my style :P). But I just find this so underground and indie. And people who loves me know very well that I'm so against the whole indie scene.
Like I mentioned before on a FB status, being indie is like the new mainstream. And being mainstream is like the new indie. It feels as if the whole world wants to be indie right now, and mainstream is so underground! I don't hear people proudly stating that they are mainstream. In fact, I hear people shouting and screaming, and even their t-shirts stating how proud they are to be indie.
Knowing bands before they even existed is so cool.
I listen to Davig Guetta and I love Justin Bieber. I read up Miley Cyrus the whore news. Eat that.
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