Sunday, January 9, 2011
I'm in a fucking pissy mood right now. I haven't smoked in 3 days straight. When I was younger, I got upset when my dad gets frustrated whenever he didn't get his fix of cigarettes. Now I understand why.Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette and hush,
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
Was Lookbooking and I saw a couple of nice quirky styles and some styles that shouldn't even be up there. Argh. I'm in a really fucked up mood right now.
The whole world seems to be stepping on my fucking tail. I fucking hate everyone.
Fuck all of you. Fuck.

Dig this totally. I wanna make my oversized tops look like this but I just can't make it! I can't do the sexy off shoulder thing without looking stupid. Maybe I'm just not boney enough eh? Or maybe I just don't have never-ending legs and a pretty face to pull it all off.
Fuck, I'm stealing my dad's socks.

Totally the type of girl I'm gonna sex if I were a guy. Love the leather harems. If Skyroom's bringing that in, I'm gonna get it even if it costs me the whole month's pay.

This chick's from China, but I don't really care. I swear I saw that top before you know. I don't really like the way she matches it with the leather skirt but aiya. People tall ma. I'll prolly just drape the shawl and pair it with leggings and that's because I have no fucking socks.

Poncho + Miu Miu = Winner

GO ASIANS! Love the headband!

I hearts the top very much. Not much on the knitted trench though. Think its far too Desigual-wannabe with the bold stitchings. But hey, I really love the top and how she just wears it as it is. I don't know if she's wearing hot pants or not, but for sure, I really love this. And she really doesn't care about bearing her nottheskinniestlegsintheworld legs to the world! You go girl! :)


Something I would love to don, but nobody would really wanna see me dressed like this. Asians can't carry this off without looking like some Cosplay crap you know, especially in Singapore. Its just weird. People might think I'm trying to pass off Charlie Chaplin or something. But honestly, I like this style.
Black Menthol, mummy miss you... :(
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