I wonder if you miss me. I've been waiting for your call all night. If you miss me, please call me when you read this. I promise I'll answer your call. Then again, you won't know...
TREY SONGZ[TREY DAY]Don't get me wrong. Just yesterday I was yapping like a bitch about my breakup, calling Mira over the phone and crying like a waterfall. I'm still upset. But I have to make myself realize that the more I dwell on, the more I'm going to just waste time. I want to be an independent woman, I really do. And now God's giving me the chance to.
Appreciate it. Still, I wish love would still come back to my life. Life without love is like a poster without colors. Its cool on the outside, monochrome on the inside. And since my birthday is coming soon, let's get started with my wishlist, so I can get started on my life, shall we? :D
Wishes are not rated accordingly to sequence. However, all of them are of significant importance to me, and gifts are still welcomed. :)
#1 iMac

I am a very organized person (when it comes to computer). I make sure my pictures are in the right folders, my songs are spelt accurately with the right full stops, hyphens, and caps on the right alphabets. Like my iPod, I make sure all the album arts, year of release, composers, genre are there. I can never stand seeing songs like,
_____ - Track 1 or
rihanna-hating on the club ft dream. NO! Messy!
Back to why I prefer an iMac rather than a laptop. iMac more
atas lah. And I don't really find a laptop necessary since I'm no longer studying in RP, and I'm not the kind who brings my laptop out just to watch some shows, or pretend to do some notes. What sort of notes could you possibly be doing with 45% left of battery life at the bus stop?! I'd rather have an iMac situated on my desk... Wah. I think it will add a whole lot of coolness to my room.
However, I stumbled upon this picture, and I think I might just make a exception on Macbooks. :D This is just an optional #1.
The legendary gold-plated Macbook#2 A stylo pair of speakers that can bring the roof down

Bonus if there's an iPod plug-in. My boss is back so I can't blog anymore. Knn.
RIHANNA[RATED R]I cried in the bath today. I'm stressed. I've been so hard on myself I'm going nuts. I'm contemplating suicide. But that's insane. There're too many beautiful things in life that I haven't seen. I can't leave this Earth so soon.
I'm devastated. I've wasted so much of youth on something that's not going to turn out anywhere good. What the fuck was I thinking?
I hate crying by myself. A hug from my bolster and the cosiness from a blanket is totally different from a physical hug. Why can't the people I'm upset about be as upset as I am? Is God really unfair or am I just getting my just desserts?
In any case, what have I done wrong? Why aren't the people who done me wrong crying in their bathrooms, getting knocked down by cars, failing their studies and dying from a disease?
I hate my life. I hate it so much.
I'm going crazy. For real. I've been talking to myself. Yay.
ESTHER DEAN FEAT. CHRIS BROWN[DROP IT LOW (SINGLE)]The hospital trip last night was scary and painful. I don't want to stop my medication, but my blood supply's going to stop if I don't. Pfft.
Bamz Nonei beautiful nite turns up side down.... y isnt ter any chance fer me b happy wit u GUYZ...? crippy tingy n shit happens...
Because you're engaged and you should be staying home shaving your eyebrows.
LADY GAGA[THE FAME]This is my first time blogging at my current workplace. Exciting. :D
So right now, I'm left with no reports to generate nor churn, and I have no one SMS-ing me or chatting with me online. A quiet day I suppose. Even my colleague beside me's surfing the net openly. Heard that our manager will be heading to some polyclinics at noon, so YAY!
No hoovering eyes!Am waiting for Hamdi's text reply on whether he wants to meet up for lunch. But I guess he's still upset with me about yesterday. He didn't even give me a call last night, which was so unlikely of him. So I was pretty worried. Texted him this morning and called him too. No answers, no nothing.
Yet he found time to reply a comment on FB. :(
Eh, eh. There's nothing else I can say.
Yesterday night I was talking about the New York trip for my birthday, I guess its prolly cancelled. Daddy says its a bit too expensive. However, he reassured us that we would be going there this year. When I don't know, but keyword is
this year. Hoping that daddy could make a fast decision soon. Time is eating up on me and I'm still stuck between a chalet and club. Pfft.

Hamdi just called me! Appears he didn't get caught in an accident after all! :D
He'll be calling me after his UTs to reconfirm with me the location for lunch. Man... I'm hungry already after a heavy breakfast barely 5 hours ago. :(
Its a sign of menses. Or so I hope... :S
No bleeding nose today, thank god. I bought a ring yesterday for $6.90. Yeah, its those kind of cheap tarnished metal for the antique look kind of ring with an extremely weird pattern. Oh wells, I'm happy I got it for $6.90 from Square 2. I was browsing along the same shopping mall, and there was another shop that was selling the exact same ring, material I don't know but they do look similar to me, for $16.90.

An extra $10 for the same ring?! I feel so smart and satisfied when I bought the $6.90 one. Call it fate, but I really almost got the $16.90. If I really did, I swear I would've murdered the salesperson in the other shop for selling the rin at $6.90.

I've never hated nor disliked Lady Gaga. In fact, I'm pretty neutral towards her. I
LOVE her style totally, covering up her honestly, not very pretty face. And her songs, catchy. Super freaking catchy, from Let's Dance down to Speechless. She's doing great. So after she got a little over-rated, I wasn't at all suprised. Unlike Taylor Swift, I think she's over-rated to an annoying extend. Somebody should just shut that bitch up.
And in my personal opinion, over-rated celebrities are usually there to disappoint people when it comes to live performance. Except for people like Beyonce and
(ARGH), Rihanna. I think such celebrities surely live up to the title Diva, and they shouldn't be under the
over-rated category. Maybe they aren't. I don't know lah. I'm confusing myself.

Anyways, back to Gaga. Though most of her songs are electropop, with the T-pain kind of voice, I really didn't expect her to be that good at her live performances. A true entertainer I must say.
TREY SONGZ[READY]Its already 2312PM and I've really got to sleep to wake up on time for work tomorrow. I was on MC today since I wasn't able to stand up straight at all this morning when I wake up. The whole world felt like it was spinning and I could hardly walk in a line. By the time I reached the toilet, I was telling my mom how nauseating I was feeling already. And then she shoo-ed me off to bed.
Woke up in the afternoon from my boss's call. Forgotten to inform him that I wasn't able to make it for work today. Not even a
'take care' from him. Pfft.
So for almost 3 months, I've been on medication for my face.

Side effects of this medication are:
- Severe birth defects (if one is/becomes pregnant)
- Extremely dry skin
- Nose bleeding
- Dry vagina/anus (not kidding)
- Weight lost (for extreme cases)
I think that explains my extremely frequent nose bleeds which I suppose has been scaring the hell out of my parents. My mom is showing disapproval of me continuing the medicine. But with extra caution and care, I'll be able to stop the bleeding. So I guess I'm going to just continue. Putting vaseline in your nostrils to soften the walls of your nose so that the skin will not crack and bleed is not an enjoyable thing to do. I end up sneezing the vaseline out.
So many 21st birthdays that I've attended. Angie's, Kiki's and Daryl's. Soon its going to be mine. And unfortunately, I'm still lost at how to plan it. I'm financially tied. And now daddy has a new plan, which I hope and pray would work out for me. And it would be the best 21st anyone's going to have.

He said to celebrate my birthday at NY as he has to go there on a business trip. He's planning to bring the whole family over on the first week of March. We've been planning an NY trip since last year, I really hope it could work this time round. :(

So went to City Hall to hunt for Hamdi's shoe after my visit to Dr Loo today. It was a failure
again. Almost bought this red pair of North Star shoes though, but he does not know what to wear it with, so had second thoughts about getting them. Thank god he didn't get those Everlast one though, the last time we went there. The more I look at them, the more awful they're appearing to be.
Fought with Hamdi eventually. I truly am sorry for being so mean. And its not like I'm so not going to call him right now. I don't know what to say so that we wouldn't fight again. So I guess the best remedy is to not call, and just go to sleep (and nurse the headache I'm having now). The fight was really stupid. We were playing a stupid pinching game, and he went a little overboard... Now I've got a huge bruise on my arm. I shouted at him, then after a while, I realized it was my fault for starting the game first. He's a guy, he doesn't know limits. I can't blame him for that. I must have hurt him. :(
But he hurt me too... Though physically. I've got to wear long sleeves for a couple of days now. Sigh.
These days, I feel demoralized. I've been lazy, I've not been exercising and I've been eating a lot. It sucks too when you go out with someone who's full of praises for girls who are tall, slim and has a head full of long wavy thick hair. At times like this, I wish I was anorexic. But Singapore has too much good food for me to go anorexic. Haha.

Maybe when I have the money for surgery, I'll definitely do something about my height. I surely will. If only there were pills that would make me taller like pills that would make my skin better. Sometimes I love my body, sometimes I hate it.
Does anyone feel like I do?I wish I was stick thin and tall... Almost everything (except lingerie) will look good on you. Being taller is definitely more fun. You see things above everyone else. Not like I've ever been tall, but I do force myself to wear painful killer heels. Trev once scolded me before for not wearing heels. He said this,
"Do you not think you're short enough?! You have to wear heels!"It was an extra boost for me to train myself up for heels, inch by inch it gets higher. I have to practice. The
advantage of being short I guess.
Sometimes I wish Hamdi understands why I go through this kind of pain for... I know he loves girls with the perfect height, and I'm surely far from perfect. Just a 154. I would love to wear slippers, shorts, tank top with the right pair of shades strut down town. That's if I have the perfect pair of never-ending long legs. But no, I'm not blessed with them legs. Nor am I blessed with skinny legs too.
The one reason why I still do wear like this to the market is because,
its the market, and Singapore's weather is far too hot for me to wear any extra cloth.
Back to heels, I wear heels for that extra confidence, though I always end up in a great amount of excruciating pain. :(
Lots of money was spent on plasters and shoe cushions which never seem to help. At times I want to just remove these shoes on the MRT train, but I can't do that. Sigh.
I have so many things to blog about. So many movies I've watched. So many shit I went through. Everything that's happened at work. My 21st birthday plans. But I just can't find the mood to blog. What the fuck? I miss blogging. :(