Sunday, August 30, 2009
I am an angry girl today. Oh yes, Hamdi is the cause of it all again. Then again, its got to be something that triggered him to piss me off this bad. Oh yes, I so hate that new little bitch, Syaza.
Uh huh, I used to treat her like my sister, and because we shared the same birthday, I thought she was someone I could share my troubles with, only to wonder why she isn't such a lousy bitch like I am. She's so calm and cool-headed all the time. Now I know.
She's a fox. A higher level of a bitch. Man, she's my superior. I just hate her. To me, she fools people with her little innocent, STRONG look, together with those sympathetic love stories of hers, she gets her men. Or probably, men just go looking for her. Especially malay guys, like Hamdi.
You can say I'm selfish. Its like every girl that Hamdi showers his attention on, I'd despise that bitch. Well, not exactly. Let me clarify.
Why do I want to show the whole damn world that wherever we go, I'd be holding onto his arms?
Because he's mine, and any bitch that wants to have him, has to go through ME, yours truely.
So if that bitch doesn't go through me, nor acknowledge my presence, and gets Hamdi talk about her miserable little fuckable life, what happens?
I make life difficult for Hamdi. And that bitch gets away with it. Cos she be all innocent.
If you know that guy is attached, what the fuck you tell him your poor love story together with your intimate sex and hotel moments with the-other-man-who-dumped-you for? So that Hamdi could satisfy you? Oh. You must be a complete slut.
On the other hand, I'm really starting to find Hamdi's actions a little too overboard for me. He just totally finds me a bore, on the phone, on the net, on webcam. What do you want me to do? Strip and masturbate on webcam for you to chat with me?
So he ends up finding fun with 3 other people, while telling me he wants to sleep. Uh huh. Very good. Whatever happened to, "I promise I won't lie again..."?
After having 3 days of chalet with you, I thought I'd finally trust you. No. You done it again. WOW! I bet you reactivated your FaceBook without me knowing. You think I'm stupid enough to trust you again? Don't blame me if I am all hot on your heels. You brought this out from me, and you brought it upon yourself. Can't take it? Tell me you hate me, I'll leave you. I'm stupid when it comes to love. I don't take hints. I take words for real, literally.
Fuck those damn BE girls. What's up with these malays girls really?! Or what's up with this malay guy?
Syaza and webcam? What's there to see on this bitch anyways? Oh. I bet she's sharing all her intimate problems with her man-who-dumped-her-totally-but-still-fuck-her-like-a-sperm-dustbin with you on webcam, like the full performance kind? Great. Put her up on Spankwire ok. I would love to watch her work her boob-less chest.
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