Monday, June 29, 2009
Blogging in the office @ 0951AM
Damn… I woke up this morning with a super stiff neck. I can’t turn my head to the right, nor bend it down nor anything at all! Like what Kak Eishah said, I’m like a porcelain wind-up doll today. You know, super fragile. How the hell am I going to withstand this for the rest of the day, having nothing to do either. Goodness. My neck and back hurts… Suddenly I thought of this super cheap song by an unknown female artiste, Khia. I bet the Mats and Minahs are familiar with this song.

”My neck, my back
Lick my pussy, and my crack”
HAHAHA! I think I’ll be permanently paralyzed.
So there’s all the hoo-ha about Michael’s death. I heard so many rumors, of him being ’silenced’, drugs and pills. Ok, that’s not a lot. But to me, that’s already quite a bit of news to catch up on. I rarely read the papers, but over the weekend, I found myself turning the pages of the newspapers and Strait Times to catch up with Michael’s latest updates. It’s a pity he’s only remembered throughout the world after his death.
Wee Kiong was telling me that he felt that his friends were like hypocrites. A couple of days back, they were ridiculing Michael and his many surgeries to his face, together with his court cases and lewd assaults. And then when Michael’s gone, they all seem like angels suddenly, mourning for the death of the late legend. I have to admit, I’m one of those hypocrites.
But for sure, I’m not one of those who is joining millions of others around the world to mourn for his death, just because the other 999,999 people are mourning for him. I missed his tributes on MTV, but I guess I’ll be able to watch it on YouTube tonight. His tribute, like Elvis and The Beatles, should not be missed. Especially when I grew up on his music. I really love Man In The Mirror. Wow… Something strike me that made me want to do a tribute for him.
I’m so affected by this whole Michael Jackson passed away thing. And what touched me the most is the celebrity statements made. I’d dare to say at least 80% of the American-African society is inspired by Michael, be it R&B (Usher) or Pop (Chris Brown), even Hip-Hop (50 cent), when Michael don’t even rap! It is obvious how powerful his influence is even at his deathbed.

Watched Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen on Wednesday, its official debut in Singapore. I’m not disappointed. However, I still think Transformers 1 is nicer, cos’ its fresher. Like, I’m simply in awe at how Bumble-Bee transformed, and the sound effects, superb. I was super excited when Optimus Prime and gang came down as comets. I never get bored watching it 54385034593 times over and over again.
Part 2 was still, better than what I’ve expected it to be though. But I got really pissed off when Bumble-Bee didn’t die. Because I actually read off a comment from YouTube that Bumble-Bee is going to die in that movie. So throughout the movie, I was pacing for myself to prepare at the time the beautiful Chevrolet is going to die, telling myself that I’m not going to cry. At the end of the day, Optimus Prime was the one who died, but eventually got revived. Ok lah, it was my fault for reading those stupid unreliable spoilers in the first place. My bad, my bad…
But still, the action was there. One thing left me confused was that everything was in a fast blur. All the transformers were given a short introduction each, and *BOOM* comes the next transformer, and the process just continues, with breaks of humor (Shia) and sex appeal (Megan) in between. They’re like adverts.
There was even one point in the movie where I got so lost I couldn’t even differentiate the Autobots from the Decepticons. The only one way I could separate them was from the colors. Autobots were very colorful. Decepticons were a cool; boring mix of silver and gray (looking a lot like scrap metals; actually they all are scrap metals), and fearsome features.
Ok. Enough of Transformers.

Next stop, Ice Age 3 01 July 2009

Then, Harry Potter: The Half-Blood Prince 16 July 2009

Finally, Overheard 30 July09
Actually, I want to catch The Taking of Pelham 123. But I keep finding excuses to skip it. John Travolta and Denzel Washington leh. Hollywood heavyweights. Yet I’m not watching their movie?! I must be stupid.

Going to get Pulp Fiction from Wee Kiong soon, so I can watch it from my iPod.
These days, I’ve been like a mad movie buff. I remember when I was in secondary school, Trevor and I would try to catch as many movies as we possibly could. There was even this point of time, where we would watch till there was nothing to watch, like literally. We were actually looking at the movie slots at Plaza Singapura’s GV, and looking for 1 movie that we haven’t watch. YEA… It was that exaggerating. The scariest fact was we watched 88 movies during our ‘O’ Levels year, including of repetitive watching. 88, very nice number. But I didn’t get very nice numbers for my ‘O’ Levels, for sure. :(
I’ll be taking half-day later. My neck is just an excuse to leave. Moreover, I have another half-day to clear, so yea. And I can predict that my pay for this month’s going to be pathetic. Like totally. No money ar NO MONEY AR! Who wants to make a kind donation to me?
Talking about donations, there was this charity soccer thing that was held on the 28 June 2009 at Tampines stadium or something like. I didn’t know about it until my colleagues were talking about it. It was $10 per ticket, and you could watch our local celebrities play soccer, and all of the above fundings will go to this little 4 years old girl, who is diagnosed with a really rare cancer, and she needs all the money she could have to go to the USA for treatment. I wanted to go, but none of my friends replied me, and I slowly forgot about it as well. So much for wanting to have a kind heart. Tsk.
Had my facial yesterday, and my goodness. My face is swollen as usual after every facial session. Pain leh. But its ok. All for the cause of better complexion. I’ve pumped in so much money on my skin, I hope its really going well.
P.S.: iknowthismaysoundoffstupidorwhateverorarrogantorloserish
Headed down to Ikea after that with my family to look for cupboards and shelves for my brother. At the same time, I need inspirations on my dressing table. I’m a girl yet I have no dressing table. What the hell? I really want to have a revamp for my room. I’m happy with the color of my walls so that’s fine. But the furniture?! I’m tempted to throw everything away everytime I take a walk around Ikea. The power of Ikea’s displays, I must say.
Eh. I’ve already blogged a lot. I got to save some for the next day, or I’d have nothing to do again. :D
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