Friday, September 4, 2009
Uh-Oh, We're In Trouble, Something's Come Along And It's Burst Our Bubble
Yeah, Yeah! Uh-Oh, We're In Trouble,
Gotta Get Home Quick March On The Double!
We've Been Out All Night And We Havn't Been Home,
We're Walkin' Through The Back Streets ...All Alone!
The Party Was Great, Yeah We Were Really Frilled!
And When We Get In We're Gonna Get Killed!
We Couldn't Get A Cab, 'Cause We Ain't Got No Money!
We Missed The Last Train But We Thought.... Don't Worry!
We'd Get The Night Bus But The Night Bus Never Came!
We're Eight Miles From Home And It Started To.....
Yeah Yeah, Trouble...
We Tried To Steal A Car But We Soon Realized, We Got On The Road, None Of Us Could Drive!
Police Car Came Along And They Took Us For A Ride, And When We Get Home We're Gonna Get,
Gonna Get, Gonna Get Fried!
Uh-Oh We're In Trouble, [Yeah Yeah!] Uh-Oh We're In Trouble....
Uh-Oh We're In Trouble, Something's Come Along And It's Burst Our Bubble! [Yeah Yeah!]
Uh-Oh We're In Trouble, Book Us A Ticket On The Next Space Shuttle!
[Chorus x2]
Alright. TELL ME WHO REMEMBERS THIS POWER RANGER SONG?! My goodness. I was chatting with Wee Kiong a couple of days back about some movies that I've downloaded. And he told me that he recently downloaded Power Rangers: The Movie. HAHAHAHA! You know, the one with the purple gooey old monster, Ivan Ooze. HAHAHAHAHA! And that stupid song imediately came into my head. Hell! I used to sing that all day when I was a kid! UH OH, WE'RE IN TROUBLE!
I think I'm pretty troubled these days, cos' I've been uploading like almost everyday though nothing special happened.
I love it when I'm alone at home, sometimes. I get to blast music from my speakers like nobody's business, and I don't have anyone asking me to play Abba's (Mummy) or Queen (Daddy) or asking me to shut up cos' he hates Pop songs (brother). And I so love Backstreet Boys' new song, Straight Through The Heart. But its a rather obvious that this song has been produced by RedOne. The whole beat and everything just shouts Akon. Even Nick Carter sounded a little like Akon on the chorus.
I remembered a comment made by Vernetta Lopez on Class 95 once, that made me laugh. After Akon's Right Now (Na Na Na) was being played, she said (something like) this, "Good morning, this is the Morning Express on Class 95! That was Akon, Right Now (Na Na Na), the most useless song on Class 95." Hahahaha!
I'm also in love with another new song. Jay-Z Feat. Rihanna & Kanye West - Run This Town. As much as I don't like Rihanna, I have no idea why I still like her tunes. And whenever I see her name in a feature or a single of her own, I know its going to be a hit. I HATE THAT! I don't like to not like someone yet still support someone. Oh wells, as long as the songs are good I don't really care. :D
Last night, I finished up the Bally's that Trevor has left at my place, and I got a tad tipsy, but I managed to go offline before spewing nonsense to Hamdi over the net. Yet I was playing my iTunes so damn bloody loud, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, and I danced. I found this picture of myself too:

When I'm high and drunk with Yas on one of the NDP preview. We were drinking outside Marina Square when we were watching the fireworks. Hahahahaha! AND I GOT THIS UGLY MUG SHOT! Now that I know this is how I look when I'm high. I should get high less often. Hahahahaha. *blushes*
I'm supposed to playing this game right now, but I'm not. Instead, I'm blogging about my red nails that I've painted yesterday, and I'm very happy. :D

I know the whole cover of the game looks so boring and ancient, but I swear this game is really freaking fun. Its and RPG game, and you go around collecting resources, killing monsters, and there's so many army strategies to learn! Ok, sounds boring already lah. I wish Hamdi could play this with me though. Its so hard getting him to try something new sometimes.
Something new is always very nice.
I know he was telling me something when he said this. These days, the words he uses have became so vague. "... I will miss my friends in Singapore." It used to just be me. Its ok. As time goes by, I know I'll slowly let go, much to his happiness. :)
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